Thursday, October 9, 2014

Interview & Giveaway: Martha Reynolds #BestsellerTour

          Martha Reynolds ended an accomplished career as a fraud investigator and began writing full time in 2011. She is the author of five novels, including the award-winning Chocolate for Breakfast (her debut novel), Chocolate Fondue, Bittersweet Chocolate, and the Amazon #1 bestseller Bits of Broken Glass. Best Seller is her latest release. Her essays have appeared in Magnificat magazine.
          She and her husband live in Rhode Island, never far from the ocean.
 Favorite reads?
          Favorite books? Or authors? Anything by Anna Quindlen, Wally Lamb. Books? The Color PurpleThe Great GatsbyTo Kill a Mockingbird. Almost anything - no paranormal, horror, or erotica for me.
Inspirations for the book? 

          My first novel and what I learned about self-publishing and promotion. It's really every aspiring author's dream to be discovered, or to have one special well-known writer decide that your work is good enough to promote.
Did you know you wanted to be an author when you were little? 

          No. I didn't know it until I was a teenager. I wanted to be a teacher when I was little, because girls could be either teachers or nurses. Or wives and mommies.
Any Pet Peeves? 

          Oh yes! I'm appalled at the lack of manners and civility today. 
Chocolate or Peanut Butter? 

          Chocolate, without a doubt (hey, I wrote a Chocolate Trilogy!) The darker the better.
The weirdest thing you've ever done? 

          Oh, I have no idea! My friends could probably make a long list, though. And there's nothing wrong with weird - we should all embrace our weirdness :-)
Is there a soundtrack to the book/Favorite music?  
          There is a soundtrack! I compiled a playlist on Spotify. You want to know what it is? Okay, here's the soundtrack:
  • Fame by David Bowie
  • Afternoon Delight by the Starland Vocal Band
  • Don't Go Breakin' My Heart by Elton John and Kiki Dee
  • Kiss and Say Goodbye by The Manhattans
  • Love Hurts by Nazareth
  • Do You Know Where You're Going To by Diana Ross
  • Let Your Love Flow by The Bellamy Brothers
  • Evil Woman by ELO
  • Get Closer by Seals and Crofts
  • Love is Alive by Gary Wright
  • Fly Robin Fly by Silver Convention
Do you need anything to write?

         I need peace. It's hard for me to write on my laptop in a Starbucks (I've tried, and sometimes it's my only option). I'd rather be upstairs in my little alcove, typing away on my regular old keyboard at my desktop computer.
How long do you write on any average day? 

          On a good day, I'll get three hours in. On a bad day, lucky to write for an hour.
Give us the number one reason to read your book. 
          Because we've all been where Robin Fortune is.

Author Info:
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Set in New England at the time of the American Bicentennial, BEST SELLER is the poignant story of a displaced young woman struggling to figure out who she is within the context of her hometown and the carefully masked dysfunction of her family.

"Everything can be fixed by writing a check." Words to live by for Robin Fortune's wealthy father, until he can't buy her way back into college after she's expelled for dealing pot. Now he chooses not to speak to her anymore, but that's just one of the out-of-whack situations Robin's facing. At nineteen, she feels rudderless, working in a diner by day and sleeping with a buddy from high school by night - all so strange for her because she was always the one with the plan. While her college friends plotted how to ensnare husbands, she plotted a novel, which she scratched out into a series of spiral-bound notebooks she hides in the closet. But now, there's nothing. No vision, no future, no point. In fact, the only thing she feels she has to look forward to is that her favorite author, Maryana Capture, is paying a visit to the local Thousand Words bookstore. Robin surmises that if she can convince Maryana to help her get her novel published, she'll finally get herself back on track. Except that life never takes a straight path in this intensely satisfying coming-of-age novel.

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