his bachelor’s degree in exercise science with a minor in writing, and moved toward a post-
graduate degree in computer information systems. In the company of a few unpublished short stories, Narrative Loserdom represents his first self-published novel. Ryan works for a local communications company in Austin, Texas, where he resides with his girlfriend and pugs.
Favorite reads?
The Great Gatsby, John Updike’s Rabbit Tetralogy
Inspirations for the book?
Adolescence in general, and the question of what it might look like from the vantage of a teenage
boy’s journal. I suppose there’s also that whole autobiographical thing…
Did you know you wanted to be an author when you were little?
Nah, the prospects of mountain climbing and stunt doubling jaded me.
Pet Peeves
Little sleep and gradually cooled showers come to mind.
Chocolate or Peanut Butter?
Definitely chocolate, though Reese’s Cups make a convincing argument.
Is there a soundtrack to the book/Favorite music?
Only in my head, but if ever given the opportunity to make one of those purely instrumental
movie trailers, “Caribou” by The Pixies would be the song.
Do you need anything to write?
A lot of time (failing complete isolation!).
How long do you write on any average day?
Maybe an hour’s worth of e-mails for work (IT). When attempting a project, ideally an hour.
Give us the number one reason to read your book.
You might enjoy it!
Author Info: Ryan Collins
Twitter: @itsTheGrimace
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Narrative-Loserdom/189153547838782
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13416598-narrative-loserdom

(ends 3/25)
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Hi Valette! Just read a message from Mr. Ryan about me winning this ebook! Thank you so much!! Just got a Kindle as a birthday present today so this win just came at a great time! :)